Last Friday I and another TTPA Executive Robert Clarke met with Ministry of Education officials and representatives of Evaluation Associates. We spent about three hours discussing the resourcing of support for beginning principals, the needs of principals up here for a service similar to what was provided last year, and also the specific needs for Kura and Secondary.
There was great willingness on all parties to get what we need up here covering those areas, up and working as soon as possible.
We resolved by the end of the meeting the following principles: –
(1) That the Ministry would find some extra resourcing bringing the total resourcing to cover the needs of Te Tai Tokerau Principals from 2 fte to 2.8 positions.
(2) That it was basically over to each regional management group how they manage the allocation process for the resource to cover needs.
(3) That support for Beginning Principals had to be resourced from this allocation.
(4) That those employed under the 2.8 resourcing, although they may have a different emphasis as a main role, still had to be able to work across the needs of Beginning Principals the work done last year, Kura and secondary.
(5) That TTPA Representatives and Evaluation Associates work to modify the Job descriptions for the 1.8 positions still to be filled to reflect this.
(6) That Principals needing immediate advice/wisdom/pastoral care etc etc similar to what was previously provided, would be able to access it easily without a waiting list etc, and that regular visits for some school principals would be involved.
(7) That the Ministry would look at the $250.00 payment per term for First Time Principal Mentors when the current contract was being looked into, to see if there was any room to move on it.
Although I personally would prefer that there was a larger per term payment to recognise the work of individual Mentor Principals, I also understand that we have a need for mentors to assist our Beginning Principals. We have gained an increase in resourcing as outlined above, that has to be funded. Hence I now hope that we will have experienced principals who will put their hands up for the mentoring role, seeing it as a way to donate their expertise to support new principals to our profession, and bearing in mind that the Ministry has agreed to relook at the termly payment when the contract is reviewed.
Although it was a long discussion, all there were looking towards getting the best for Te Tai Tokerau principals.
Pat Newman
President Te Tai Tokerau Principals Association.